The End
I had promised an update, so here it is. There were plans to come back after a hiatus, once life calmed down. I was going to write one analysis per month, and even had a whole list of content, starting … Continue reading →
I had promised an update, so here it is. There were plans to come back after a hiatus, once life calmed down. I was going to write one analysis per month, and even had a whole list of content, starting … Continue reading →
Well, here we are. I started this site in April 2015. In that time, a lot of life has happened. I’ve made some extraordinary friends. Personally, I managed put myself back together and keep moving after various setbacks. I came … Continue reading →
This is it: the last week to get some analysis goodness until I come back from my break. Cue the music. This week, we’re focusing on two different aspects of love. We’ll start first with the perils of modern dating … Continue reading →
After some breathing room from the film, we’re back to talk about Suspiria (2018), a film which moves in multiple layers (much to the chagrin of some). Our first foray into the film saw us tackling notions of guilt and … Continue reading →
This week, Western New York got hit with the polar vortex that was making its way through. As a result, no one could really go outside safely and I’m all sorts of messed up. I had to remind myself that … Continue reading →
It’s ass freezing outside and only going to get colder. Ugh. Which means my butt is staying indoors as much as possible and eating my way to spring. This week, we’re going with the theme of being hungry/thirsty in more … Continue reading →
If you’re anywhere in the United States, chances are, you got hit with snow this weekend. We’re currently clobbered in a white blanket of the stuff and all I can think of are the jokes Dan makes about coke. This … Continue reading →
Oh, the road to accomplishing stuff on the weekends is paved with good intentions, I tell you… This week, we’re heading back to the 90s. We’ll take a look at something that’s always bothered me in Election (1999). Thursday will … Continue reading →
So I’ve got a little announcement to make… When I first started this site back in 2015, it was as a stress reliever. I looked forward to talking about movies and analyzing them because it brought me joy. And while … Continue reading →
Ah, the new year is upon us. I guess we should be making resolutions, but I’m not really into those. This week, we’ve got some goodies in store. Tomorrow is the last day of the month, so you know what … Continue reading →