Trailer Tuesday: Bonjour, Mes Amis!!
One Scary Mother
I have just come back from a glorious vacation in Paris. Yes, Paris! For 10 days I said “fuck it” to my diet, walked over the fabled streets, chateaus, and churches, and bought a beret. I don’t care if only the tourists do it, I looked damned cute in it and just dove headfirst into the Francophile spirit of things. In between mouthfuls of Camembert cheese and baguette, I talked horror movies with our friend and tour guide, and discovered a few gems that I now want to talk about. One is based on a true story of a small-town policeman (gendarme) who was also a serial killer (you’ll need to translate the link into English, by the way). The movie, Next Time I’ll Aim for the Heart (La prochaine fois je viserai le coeur) isn’t anywhere I can watch it, so I saved it on Netflix in case the DVD ever becomes available. The second is a TV series that is available through US Netflix streaming called La Mante (The Mantis). Stephen King raved about it (!!) and I just caught the first episode. I’m hooked. A serial killer collaborates with her policeman son to catch a copycat. I worry that they gave away too much in the first episode, but it seems to be more focused on psychological character studies (because, you know…that’s what the French do). Plus, a fellow horror watcher has confirmed that there is plenty of gore to come and big reveals, so I’m going to tuck in with some cafe and French chocolate and dive back in. Catch you on the flipside, mon petit chou!