Coming This Week: Mio In the Land of Faraway, As Above So Below, Dylan Dog and a Podcast
It’s a long weekend here in the U.S., which means that I’m up to all sorts of shenanigans.
Every Friday, baby. Every Friday. |
Kicking off this fine week, we’re going to take a look at just why Mio In the Land of Faraway is fucking fabulous despite that it’s a complete piece of crap. From there, we’ll go into what As Above, So Below has to say about the nature of transformation (despite that I was not a fan). We’ll round out the week with a recommendation for Dylan Dog: Dead of Night.
Also coming on soon: I taped a guest appearance on The United Nations of Horror Podcast. If you want to listen to me talk about the anime Hellsing, tune in. I’ll keep you posted on when that’s live.