Saturday Shorts: Metroid: The Sky Calls
The boys over at Unleashed Code Rage Quit Podcast (which is a new and rather fun gaming podcast if you haven’t listened to it, and can be found by clicking here) shared this one on Twitter this week, and I knew I had to share it. Full disclosure: Metroid and I have been friends since I was a kid. I’m equal parts confused and relieved as to why no one has taken the game and tried to make a full, live-action film out of it. It’s got aliens, cool action, and a strong female lead (Samus is actually a nod to Ripley in the Alien universe). On the other hand, video game adaptations are a huge gamble at best and an unintentionally funny cringe fest more often than not; sometimes, they go way off the deep end and manage to become something that leaves the viewer enraged beyond all reason (*coughcoughSilentHillcoughcough*). So I was skeptical upon viewing Sam Balcomb’s short crack at it. This game is, after all, a favorite. You may find yourself surprised:
While Samus starts off a bit unsure of herself (at least in my book) and wearing a bit too much lip gloss than I would have imagined, I did enjoy this. I liked the nods to the original game, and the way that it was nice and tight. Clocking in at 11 minutes, it knew when to stop, which can be a rarity in film these days. At the end of it, I thought to myself, “Yeah, I could totally watch 90 minutes of this.” Kind of hoping I see more.
Enjoy, and happy Saturday!