Saturday Shorts: Vermin
I really hate it when the characters in a horror movie show absolutely zero common sense whatsoever. It makes you wonder why someone would be that stupid to go into the dark alley/check out the weird noise/not bother to set the phone to vibrate/et cetera. So when a character shows a shred of common sense, I start whoopin’ it up from the cheap seats like there’s no tomorrow. I did that with Danny Donahue’s short Vermin. At two minutes, it’s short, creepy and to the point.
FINALLY, someone that hears something weird and goes to investigate, but also has the common sense to pick up the phone and call for help. Now, given, it didn’t work out for her in the end (and I think I’ll be checking underneath the bed from now on, as well as the location of my hammer), but still, it’s the thought that counts. Kudos to Donahue for using music, sound and lighting to completely freak me out. I really liked how he kept it dark without having to make it look like it was cheap. A good scare, which can be tough to do in two minutes.