Coming This Week
Ya smell that, guys? It’s fall. Oh yeah. We’re through the first week of October, and it’s been a bit of a blur between retro movie screenings, outside committments (including a project I really can’t wait to tell you about and a podcast taping), and baking. I’m a bit worried that I bit off more than I could chew, but that’s when I remember that I don’t back down from a dare.
As Nika has a real life-related commmittment, she’s off for the week. That leaves Talicia and I to party down here, and party we shall. This week, we’re going for the 1970s classic The Legend of Hell House and exploring why admitting your shortcomings isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m also going to recommend Hellions on Thursday. So grab that pumpkin spice latte and sit next to us as we slug through the week.