Saturday Shorts: The New Politics
I must admit, I’ve been lagging on these lately. It’s been difficult, what with personal stuff going on. It’s tough some days to get out of bed, let alone scour the internet for a suitable short film. And then some Saturdays, you find this. Joshua Wong put together a piece on what politics will be like in the future. The result is the ultra-slick The New Politics, with a hefty dose of commentary.
The ending is clever on a few different levels. On one hand, you have a weird battle in order to determine the fate of international policy. The face of politics is changing: our politicians are getting judged just as harshly as our celebrities, proving that you now have to look the part in order to lead. On the other hand, you’ve got a tongue-in-cheek pot shot at the nature of politics: it’s really just one giant game of Pong. Except, you know, with higher tech gadgets and human lives to be lost. You know, the little shit.
Happy Saturday.