Trailer Tuesday: Alien: Covenant
I expect most people are highly anticipating the next installment of the Alien franchise, and so I’m going to cover it for this week’s highlighted trailer. As for me, the first Alien was so hard to beat that I wasn’t especially curious about the sequels (though I feel I owe it to myself to at least watch Aliens…as in, Alien with an S). When Prometheus came out, I was intrigued enough to grab a friend and head to the theater. Not much to say there, other than I was as underwhelmed as everyone else, and also quite irritated at stupid stuff like the heroine jumping across ravines and banging her stomach in the process AFTER giving herself a space-age C-section. As a result, my general reaction to anything Alien-related was along the lines of, “Meh.” But now we come to the next chapter in the Alien saga, and it appears to be getting back to giving the audience what it returns to these movies time and again to see…the friggen alien! And of course, we’re going to see them in their entirety here: from larva to adult with a new selection of human incubators. With the reappearance of Michael Fassbender as the android from Prometheus, it’s my guess that they are back on the same planet, only now all life has been eradicated by the aliens that were left there and allowed to breed. I may be wrong about that, but I’m willing to take bets. You can send the money you lose to me when I’m proven to be right through Erin. For now, here’s the trailer so that you can make your own predictions: