Trailer Tuesday: Stranger Things 2 – Final Trailer
Full disclosure: I was not as pumped for the Twin Peaks revival as my friends were. Yes, I know, it was supposed to be wonderful. We were all supposed to cry tears of Lynchian joy but I just couldn’t bring myself to get there. I’m kind of over the Lynch fuckery; if you’re not, that’s totally cool. Just don’t expect me to jump up and down like it’s our ten-year high school reunion and we’ve got baby pictures to exchange. What I am excited for is the return of Stranger Things. We’ve talked about it quite a bit these past few months. In honor of its release on Friday into the wild, here’s the final trailer.
Eleven has hair! Hop is getting hosed down! Will’s got a father figure! Joyce is freaking out in front of a medical board in the most Joyce-tastic way! The gang is back, and this time, they’ve got Will! MOAR WALKIE TALKIES! Mike looks pensive! Lucas is still badass (I love Lucas)! Dustin and Steve and a baseball bat (which could be the name of a very funny road trip movie, especially with these characters. Get on that, Duffers.)! Jonathan is hanging out with Nancy again (they can’t all be positive)! This is all waiting for us! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!