Trailer Tuesdays: The Black Gloves (plus Kickstarter)
One of the best parts about knowing other writers is cool stuff they pass your way, and the resulting relationships that can grow out of that. As such, I’ve gotten to know some pretty cool artists – actors, musicians, directors. One such, Lawrie Brewster, has a new film that’s in the Kickstarter phase, called The Black Gloves.
The Black Gloves features a psychologist attempting to help his patient by checking out another case oddly similar to the one he’s treating: a reclusive former ballerina who insists a dark figure is coming to get her. Along the way, twists and turns abound.
Check out the trailer, then check out the Kickstarter. This one looks pretty good, and let’s face it – we need something that isn’t some half-clad actress that can’t act. Only way we’re going to make that happen is by helping the art get out there, peeps.