Coming This Week
You may have heard, but there’s this thing going on in the United States this week where we have the illusion that we’re going to pick our next president. In a word people: yikes. Just, yikes. In honor of that, I’m checking out and heading elsewhere. I’m not going to Japan, Canada or France thematically this week. Nope. No more planet Earth. We’re going straight to space this week.
At long last, my thoughts on Sunshine go up this week, which hold particularly true considering that we’re talking about survival of the human race versus self-preservation. No, that theme is not an accident this week. We’re still not coming back to Earth for the weekend, as we go in for a recommendation for Europa Report, which some either love or hate.
In light of the upcoming election, I’m giving Talicia and Nika the week off. As a personal plea… please, go vote. I come from Rochester, which was home to Susan B. Anthony. Ladies, we had to wait a while and wade through a river of shit to get this right, and women of color had to slug even harder to get the respect and rights that many of us obtained after all that work. Don’t piss on that legacy. Get out there and vote. No excuses.