Coming This Week
It’s the start of a new week, after some global upheaval. It’s not going away. Time to put on our gloves, bow respectfully, and get down to biz.
This week has an odd little theme to it: the self. We’re going to take a look at the loss of the self as best expressed by Season 3 of Black Mirror, specifically the episode “Playtest.” Let’s face it, the loss of someone you love that is technically still alive is a hell worth facing head on. Likewise, the need to keep yourself entertained and moving through life is just as important. In that spirit, we’re going to recommend the comedy Ghost Team for the weekend (oh, see what I did there?). We’ll also be back with Talicia, and we’re gearing up for a new Nika piece that’s a real labor of love. Dan’s even got a surprise for us in the form of a new monthly series, which will drop in the coming weeks. Exciting times, gang. Onward and upward.