Coming This Week
You know what’s a great feeling? Beating out a headache. I did not accomplish a lot this weekend, but dammit, I beat out a migraine.
So let’s jump into business for the week. On Tuesday, we’re getting treated to another installment of Hail to the King by our very own Dan. This month, he’s tackling Stephen King’s incredible The Shining, whose film adaptation has provided all sorts of anxiety for Mr. King whilst managing to become a true horror film classic. Wednesday will see Erin plowing into 1984’s Ghostbusters after a conversation with one of her children (hint: it didn’t end well). Thursday is going to host a recommendation for WALL-E, a film so sweet that deep that it begs for treatment here.
On another note… a few of you have asked where Ms. Nika has been. I can assure you that she’s fine, and will be rejoining us shortly. The concern is deeply appreciated. Sometimes, we need a break from the grind. As always, thanks for sticking with us. We love our readers and look forward to more time with you in the coming year.