Coming This Week
Well, I saw Logan this weekend. I’m pretty crushed right now. You know how you watched that one special movie as a child that just destroyed you for the better part of a week? That’s me, right now. Goddamn it, Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart. You two broke my tiny, black heart.
So this is going to be a pretty fun week. On Wednesday, Erin is going to go hard on The Object of My Affection, which is so fucking offensive. Thursday is going to see a recommendation for Delirious, which is a fun John Candy flick. As a bonus, we even get an installment of Hail to the King, in which Dan examines Carrie. Saturday, we’ve got a surprise. It’s not a short; it’s something so, so much better. Muwahah. Muwahahahaha. MUWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH….
Stick with us; we’ll teach you how to live.