Coming This Week
So it’s Father’s Day today, and I’ve tried to stay off of social media to avoid the onslaught of both tributes to dads and rants against single moms (some people are four shades of special). So I offer this instead: I know more people than I care to admit that never had a dad. Hell, one former boyfriend was told by his mother that his biological father was “none of your business”. So if you didn’t get a dad, from the bottom of my heart, the best I can offer is an apology. I’m really sorry for that. And maybe a Star Wars joke.
This week, we’re going to put the focus onto people you might not readily see. We’re going to talk sidekicks in Big Trouble in Little China on Wednesday. Thursday will see a recommendation for Hello, My Name is Doris, but a woman in her sixities figuring out who she is will be the thing you need to watch this weekend. We’ve also got trailers and shorts lined up. Come play with us, kids. It’ll be fun.