Happy Thanksgiving From The Backseat Driver Reviews
I don’t know about you, but I fucking love this holiday. There’s turkey. There’s mashed potatoes. There’s stuffing. There’s gravy. And if you’ve been really good this year, there’s pumpkin pie. PUMPKIN PIE! If you’re Italian-American like yours truly, you’re also getting a tasty side dish of homemade pasta (representing, Italian-American peeps). It is a day of wonders. Hell, even the vegans get in on the action with Tofurkey and a host of other dishes made cruelty-free. No judgment. Everyone is welcome at my table.
So, while there’s no analysis today, there is a celebration of the extreme happiness associated with food. Something from one of my favorite films. Take it away, Pugsley.
Happy Thanksgiving from the entire gang. Sauteed or barbequed.
We’ll be back on Friday with a recommendation. Stay safe, warm and fed.