Trailer Tuesday: Black Mirror Season 4
Oh Charlie Brooker, you sexy sombitch. You just had to go and do another season of Black Mirror for us.
Black Mirror is one of those shows that is so good it impacts me on a visceral level after each episode. Case in point: the episode “Be Right Back” from season 3. Most people will cite “San Junipero” (which is incredible and will restore your faith in everything – thanks for that one, C. Brooks) as a favorite, or even “White Bear”. Personally, “Be Right Back” destroys me every time. It’s watching a woman deeply mourn her loved one and knowing that I’d react the exact same way. Conversely, “Shut Up and Dance” is one that will be getting the analysis treatment in the coming year. It’s one of those shows that makes me reflect upon my own choices and simultaneously look at the human race and say, “We’re doomed.” So, naturally, we’re getting a fourth season. Here’s the official trailer.
Oh Christ they’re going after helicopter parenting and memory with dashes of privacy violation for the greater good stashed in there. Oh this is going to be a good long while before I want anyone to give me a hug.