Trailer Tuesdays: Deadpool 2
By now, this is most likely old hat, but you know what? I don’t care. Not one single fuck given. Not a one. Guys, Deadpool is back. We’re getting another movie and it looks to be magic.
Ryan Reynolds was born to play this part. You have to hand it to the guy: he’s got the smartass role down pat. Case in point: the description of this video. You know that he did that as a partial wink to his wife (which is actually kind of adorable, and also funny because you know that she’s going to talk him into doing a cheesy rom-com at some point as a goof). Between the overly drawn-out costume change in the phone booth and the monologue to the corpse, it’s beautiful. I’m thinking that he was smart enough to retain a good writing team for the sequel, which, let’s face it, is half the magic of the first one. After all, according to the credits, they’re the real heroes here.
Now let’s talk about the cameo in this trailer. Stan. We need to talk about Stan. Guys, I’m scared. Stan is getting up there. Yes, you can argue that he’s stolen more storylines than written them, but he’s STAN LEE. He’s given us quite a bit, and he’s an icon. Word on the street (okay, my source is Dan) is that Stan has filmed his next four cameos. They’re stockpiling, guys. It’s not that Stan’s going to die someday – that’s inevitable, and we’ll all have to deal with it. It’s the knowledge that we’re going to have to look at our dirty old man of a grandfather after that wound is starting to heal, knowing full well that it’s a moment frozen in time, and we all knew it was coming. It’s bracing yourself for a car crash, only to get side-swiped on the street two months after the accident.
In the meantime, though… we’re getting another Deadpool movie. And it’s looking to be a good one. Let’s celebrate with some chimichangas.