Saturday Shorts: Bed Time
Part of the joys of being a horror hound means that you often find other horror hounds with which you share things. This can range from a picture to a soundtrack to a memory to a film. Emphasis on that last one today, as a great group I belong to on Facebook (The Horror Etc. Podcast, which also used to be a great, in-depth podcast that you should check out) puts many of us in touch with one another. One such member, Mr. James Hogan, recently created a short horror film called Bed Time. Check it out.
What struck me the most about this film is the fact that the lead characters, Luna (Nichole Gilkerson) and Emma (Taylor Hopkins) sound like real people. Given, the first minute or so has some awkwardness, but once it gets going, I could totally see my friends behaving this way. In fact, I have to praise a film that makes summoning a demon look like a none-too-serious act done on a whim; a lot of feature-length films fail at that (one that springs to mind is the Evil Dead remake). I liked that it didn’t go for gore and didn’t show you much; you got to use your imagination. And really, that’s half the fun of being a horror hound.
Happy Saturday.