Saturday Shorts: The Egyptian Pyramids
I don’t care how old you are – everyone likes cartoons. They’re just fun. They can cover serious subject material (prime example: the intro to Up), or they can cover straight up slapstick comedy (Looney Tunes). Comedy is a great way to forget the mess of the world around you, and after this week in politics… we could totally use a good laugh. We’ve got a good four years to go, gang; we need all the help we can get. Here’s a fun short animated comedy called The Egyptian Pyramids, from directors Corentin Charron, Lise Corriol, Olivier Lafay, Nicolas Mrikhi.
First off: raise your hand if you’ve ever owned a pet that behaves like the camel. That camel represents just about every dog I’ve ever owned (hell, we’ll even throw in my current cat, that thinks he’s a dog). The human curiosity factor is great as well because we all know that, when faced with a huge discovery like a massive pyramid, we’re going to forget to take the shiny device with us. The real prize here goes to the car alarm sounds of the remote. In modern times, we can laugh at the reference, especially as the thought of a pyramid just being a car for an alien is a chord struck somewhere between the alien conspiracies of The History Channel and the whimsy of Pixar. That’s really what we need right now: a reminder to relax and laugh.
Happy Saturday.